Paul Caneiro, 57 — who’s accused of killing his business partner brother and the sibling’s family in Colts Neck shortly ...
Lawyers for Paul Caneiro who is charged with the brutal murders of four of his relatives are challenging the use of an ...
Superior Court Judge Marc C. Lemiuex said he will rule on the validity of software used to analyze DNA in the Caneiro murders ...
A weekslong pretrial hearing about STRmix, which allows forensic analysts to test DNA samples that most likely would have been considered unusable a decade ago because they were too complex or ...
John Buckleton, principal scientist at New Zealand's Institute of Environmental Science and Research, was on the witness stand Nov. 14 and 15, vouching for the computer software known as STRmix at ...
"It was quite good,'' Martin, a software engineer with Florida-based consulting firm Harbor Experts, said of the STRmix computer code. "It complied with most reasonable engineering standards ...
Mats Neimdahl, head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota, said at an ongoing pretrial hearing that he found little or no documentation the STRmix ...
So, Adams said he asked the lawyer representing the developer of the computer software known as STRmix for the license and was told the person who had set up the computer he was working on had ...
Attorneys for Paul Caneiro began their court attack on a cutting-edge computer software program known as STRmix by calling an expert in forensic DNA analysis to rebut assertions by prosecution ...
Software engineer says STRmix computer software program that analyzed DNA evidence in case against Paul Caneiro was inadequately tested.