We’re all used to prescriptions, right? Headache? Take a single 500 mg tablet of Paracetamol. Traveller’s diarrhoea? Knock it out with 400 mg capsules of Norfloxacin twice a day for three days.
ACC/AHA/ESC recommends aspirin 81-325 mg daily for patients less than 65 years of age with no other risk factors. However, these guidelines set stricter criteria for high-risk patients with AF and ...
There has been debate about the use of low-dose or baby aspirin (81 mg daily) or whole adult aspirin (325 mg daily) for disease prevention. The prevailing evidence is that there is no difference ...
A study has found no sex-specific differences in the safety and effectiveness of 2 different aspirin dosages for secondary prevention of ASCVD.
Talk to your doctor first. The standard dose is one baby aspirin (81 milligrams) a day. Higher doses are no more effective, and can cause more stomach upset. When it comes to heart attacks and ...
Participants were randomized to receive cilostazol (100 mg twice daily) or aspirin (81 mg once daily) for 1 to 5 years. The primary endpoint was the first occurrence of any stroke. About three ...
Primary central nervous system (CNS) vasculitis is a rare, frequently misdiagnosed condition that affects the brain and ...
Apixaban and aspirin are comparable in protection against major ischemic or hemorrhagic events in patients with cancer history and cryptogenic stroke.
The patient was treated with aspirin (81 mg per day), metoprolol (12.5 mg twice per day), and ramipril (2.5 mg twice per day) and was discharged after 4 uneventful days in hospital.
Regular aspirin use is associated with a reduction in the risk of colorectal cancer, but this association is most notable among individuals with unhealthy lifestyles, researchers found.
Asa Fitch is a reporter covering the semiconductor companies in The Wall Street Journal’s San Francisco bureau, including Intel, Nvidia and Qualcomm. Prior to his move to California, he spent a ...