Many experts argue that China is preparing to seize Taiwan, driven by economic, geopolitical, and historical motivations. The ...
The United States is amassing an arsenal of abundant and easily made anti-ship weapons as part of American efforts to deter ...
The combined effect of AUKUS and other military alliances involving the United States has 'clouded' China's view of the ...
It is true that, with the exception of Thailand, Washington’s Asian allies are more closely aligned with the United States ...
A Chinese aircraft carrier entered an area near Japan's shores for the first time on Wednesday, leading Tokyo to convey its ...
Efforts by the Beijing-backed Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation, or SMIC, to break through innovation ...
China’s interest in the Arctic grew from scientific research into expanding its economic, diplomatic, and military presence.
Concern that the PRC could soon invade its democratically governed cross-strait neighbor is growing, not only in Taiwan but ...
A nuclear conflict between the United States and China in the South China Sea could spill over to the Philippines, even if it ...
Three theoretical frameworks are paramount as alternatives with the rise of China and Russia and the end of American unipolar ...
Pessimism about Chinese or Russian intentions is certainly warranted, but their future capabilities for carrying out a ...