It can also switch between charging and electrolysis to discharging, a feature that standard electrolyzers lack. The new electrodes enhance the flow of electricity through the Battolyser and ...
QSI makes nano metals and will be a announcing a new electrolysis electrode design that uses nano scale catalysts combined with larger materials, to achieve dramatic increases in hydrogen ...
Electrical current is applied to water containing Na2SO4 as an electrolyte. The water is converted into gaseous H2 and O2 at the electrodes. Attach one alligator clip from the battery pack to each ...
Since electrolysis cannot occur with pure water, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is used in the solution to provide the ions. The electrodes are made of 316 stainless steel, mostly because this is cheap ...
ANEMEL researchers have created a catalyst for water splitting that's efficient and stable, without relying on scarce ...
There are a variety of ways of carrying out electrolysis. This investigation looks at what happens to aqueous solutions when they are electrolysed using inert electrodes. An aqueous solution is ...
Burning fossil fuels has led to a global energy crisis, worsening pollution and climate change. To tackle this problem, we ...
This work may shed light on the commercialization of seawater electrolysis technology and relevant anti-corrosion electrode design. More information: Haocheng Chen et al, Stable Seawater ...