It was only a couple decades ago that some scientists started saying this powerful fuel — also called “natural” or “geologic” hydrogen — existed within the Earth’s crust in large ...
The interactive map by the U.S. Geological Survey flagged several zones across the country that have a higher potential for hydrogen deep under the Earth’s surface. Most are in the Midwest area.
Discovering Natural Hydrogen in France On May 15, 2023, researchers from France announced the discovery of a massive natural ...
Graphitic Energy’s (“Graphitic”) pilot plant is capable of producing several hundred kilograms of hydrogen and up to 1,000 kg of solid carbon per day, during continuous 24/7 operations. It is expected ...
Mr. Halabura commented: “Saskatchewan is truly elephant country for the exploration and discovery of emerging critical commodities, like Natural Hydrogen, and MAX Power has the real estate that ticks ...
FGC. Mr. Halabura has decades of successful experience in the province’s resource sector and has a deep understanding of the geological controls on the accumulation of helium, hydrogen ...