How quantum mechanics emerged in a few revolutionary ... of light emitted and absorbed by hydrogen atoms. The basic hydrogen atom is the simplest of all atoms, now known to consist of a single ...
The German researcher Walter Gordon had applied the emerging theory of quantum mechanics to the hydrogen atom, the universe’s simplest atom, and worked out exactly how it behaved. A mastery of all ...
The first gift that the digital quality of quantum mechanics gives to nature is the gift of stability: the quantum-mechanical hydrogen atom is stable. If the hydrogen atom obeyed the laws of ...
Every so often, in the vast reaches of space, a hydrogen atom's electron can flip its ... understand spin, dabble in quantum mechanics, and figure out this whole 21 cm radiation thing.
Conventional quantum mechanics didn't have such transitions ... For example, the electron in a hydrogen atom attracts the proton that is the nucleus, so the effective distance between them ...
In a new study published in Physical Review D, Professor Ginestra Bianconi, Professor of Applied Mathematics at Queen Mary ...