All the accolades go out this morning to an utterly gorgeous dog who won Best in Show at the 149th Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. Monty, a Giant Schnauzer from New Jersey, beat out more ...
Monty's competition included a bichon frisé called Neal, a Skye terrier named Archer, a whippet and repeat runner-up known as Bourbon and a shih tzu called Comet who's been a finalist before.
The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show brings together thousands of elite dogs for a series of events and judging, culminating with the highly anticipated crowning of Best in Show. With a rich ...
The prestigious Westminster Show was held Feb. 8 to 11 at Madison Square Gardens in New York City, and was broadcast on FOX ...
With over 24,000 dogs in attendance across dog sports such as Flyball, Agility plus competing for the iconic Best in Show ...
Bromeo, from Ocala, won Best of Breed for Chinese Crested dogs at the 149th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in New York City ...
The Colorado Kennel Club dog show featured more than 200 breeds, about 2,000 dogs, seminars for becoming a better pet parent and kids being introduced to dog sports.
Baloo, a retired police dog and Belgian Malinois, was announced as the winner on Sunday (March 9th). The brave dog was a ...
While the Super Bowl was going on, our furry, four-legged friends were competing in a Super Bowl of their own. The 149th ...
BRAZOS VALLEY, Texas (KBTX) - The Brazos Valley Kennel Club is hosting its annual show at the Grimes County fairgrounds. The ...