Best known for Kill Bill, Charlie’s Angels, and seven seasons of Elementary, Liu leads a small cast in Presence, the prolific ...
There’s only so much that a person can hold before everything collapses.” With Presence now in theaters, Vogue spoke to Liu ...
Ever since seeing his 1989 directorial debut, Sex, Lies, and Videotape , Lucy Liu and Chris Sullivan have been big fans of ...
The actress, who stars in Steven Soderbergh’s “Presence”’ talks about souls, painting and the possibility of a third “Charlie ...
By confining the camera perspective to the viewpoint of its unseen ghost, director Steven Soderbergh scores with a crafty ...
Anyone who exists at the intersection of scary movie lover, Lucy Liu stan, and Julia Fox follower (aka myself) should keep an ...
Sometimes when actors work together they become lifelong friends. There have been more ... most famous stories of actors clashing involves Lucy Liu and Bill Murray on the set of Charlie’s ...
The actor joins Q’s Tom Power to discuss her starring role in Soderbergh’s new horror thriller, Presence, which tells a haunted house story from the point-of-view of the ghost.