Hisense debuted the first RGB mini-LED at CES, but Sony has now shown us its spremely impressive prototype version.The Latest ...
is OLED burn-in a problem? This is a hot topic in the world of home cinema that’s reared its ugly head ever since reports of ...
And, when the best OLED TVs become better and cheaper ... of so-called blue PHOLEDs also seeks to solve OLED’s blue problem, and it remains to be seen which of these two methods will win ...
So, what caused such a huge shift in sales? Why are people steering away from the best OLED TVs and instead opt for mini-LED sets instead? As always with TV, it comes down to bang for your buck ...
OLED owner keen to defend your TV? Tell us your story and why it’s not a problem and you’re not concerned about OLD burn-in. Or, if you have personally experienced it, let us know how it ...