Stable isotopes do not decay into other elements. In contrast, radioactive isotopes (e.g., 14C) are unstable and will decay into other elements. The less abundant stable isotope(s) of an element have ...
The team investigated iron-60, an unstable isotope ... And that is the specialty of FRIB—to get stable isotopes that we can find, accelerate them, fragment them, and then produce these exotic ...
A radioactive isotope's nucleus is unstable and spontaneously decays ... Replace "decayed atoms" with paper clips to represent stable daughter atoms which the radioactive atoms have changed ...
The nuclei of certain atoms are stable and under ordinary circumstances, stable nuclei do not undergo change. The nuclei of other atoms are unstable. These nuclei undergo change spontaneously, that is ...
Some isotopes are stable, while others are unstable, meaning they are radioactive and break down over time, releasing radiation. Carbon-14 is a radioactive isotope of carbon that undergoes beta decay.
This Section implements all activities of the IAEA's Water Resources Programme, which promotes and transfers know-how on the use of isotope hydrology as an effective tool for water resources ...
Stable isotopes are non-radioactive forms of atoms. Although they do not emit radiation, their unique properties enable them to be used in a broad variety of applications, including water and soil ...