and handed over the charge of key products to Chennai-born Sundar Pichai. The 43-year-old CEO of Google will take charge of some of the most widely-used products, such as Search, Maps, Apps ...
Sundar, 52, grew up in Chennai, India and attended the Indian Institute of Technology for engineering. Sundar was awarded an Institute Silver Medal during his time there, according to Britannica.
As the CEO of Google and its parent company Alphabet, Sundar Pichai runs one of the most impactful high-tech organizations in the world. But the first piece of technology that changed his life was a ...
Pichai's parents RS Pichai and Lakshmi Pichai, who are in the US, called relatives back home in Chennai, on Tuesday ... RS Pichai, Sundar's father, had worked with the English Electric Company ...
and handed over the charge of key products to Chennai-born Sundar Pichai. The 43-year-old CEO of Google will take charge of some of the most widely-used products, such as Search, Maps, Apps ...
Pichai's journey from humble beginnings in Chennai to tech success is a testament to hard work and sacrifice. Google CEO Sundar Pichai acknowledges and promises to fix the controversial responses ...