The United Nations have issued 17 ambitious goals to try and build a better, fairer, and more sustainable future for the world.
The new Sustainable Development Agenda will now aim to eradicate extreme poverty by 2030. Besides aiming to eradicate extreme poverty, Goal 1 takes a comprehensive approach to poverty as a whole by ...
The goal of SDG 1 is to end poverty in all its forms everywhere. This dashboard contains the indicators corresponding to SDG 1 according to the global framework of the United Nations. Where possible, ...
The first Sustainable Development Goal, SDG 1: No Poverty, includes specific targets to eradicate extreme poverty, and ensure proper access to economic resources for all individuals around the world.
This work has led to publications and the transformation of policy and practice across countries in Europe, Africa and South America.Examples of change include the development of new training products ...
This article first appeared in the special feature Understanding the Impact of Climate Change.  15 questions for climate ...
Building on the Millennium Development Goals, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the cornerstone of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, billed by the UN as “an agenda of ...
One of the most entangled Sustainable Development Goals is #1, No Poverty, for whatever we would like to achieve as a society, we need to empower people to act first. While simply marking our planet’s ...
The impact of poverty on people’s lives is profound and far-reaching. You can find out more about this UN Sustainable Development Goal here. What are your thoughts, feelings and ideas about poverty?