Just click on the WhatsApp image (right) to see/get real-time notifications of all new posts on Burgundy Report directly to ...
Domaine Michel Gros Vendange 2024 – Day 1, Saturday 21st Sept After travelling, arrival day and evening socials/dinner, this was ‘it’, day one for this vintage which, maybe more than usual, has ...
Domaine Michel Gros Vendange Sept 2024 Preamble Bonjour Tout les Monde ! MdMdlV reporting in ahead of this latest Burgundy grape harvest (vendange); my 15th in total, ‘across’ 5 domaines, and my ...
It’s true – I’ve bored you enough about a year that has experienced wave after wave of rain – but with some nice sunny days too. Unfortunately, for many producers, the balance has seemed to be more in ...
Plus from each producer a few words on their 2019 and 2020 campaigns. As always, those extra-special wines that are worth a special search are highlighted for you: ...
66 domaines and their 2019s – including a few words from the producers on their 2019 and 2020 campaigns. As always, those wines worth a special search are highlighted for you in blue: ...
Monday the 18 th was Marko’s last day harvesting this year – Saturday and Sunday were ‘off’ days due to a) the weather and b) waiting for the ripeness of the Hautes Côtes fruit – helpful for Marko as ...
Don’t ask me what happened to the 2013s – I’ve seen nothing from this merchant since the 2012s – but suddenly, they are back in action! But it’s a good look at the pricing history in Switzerland, even ...
33 domaines – some new, some catching up – including a few words from the producers on their 2022 and 2021 campaigns. As always, those wines worth a special search are highlighted for you in blue: ...
Mainly the whites are from the 2022 vintage, some producers preferring – or it's simply better – to show their wines one vintage later.