In honor of my dad, my sister, mom, sister-in-law, and I got matching tattoos, the Circle S brand, our family ranch brand.
High Plains Journal is a publisher of agricultural news, information, and analysis for farmers, ranchers, and agribusiness ...
Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, Kansas State University Department of Plant Pathology and K-State Research and Extension have teamed up for the Sorghum Connection field day series. Bavaria Field Day ...
Beef cattle outlook, coccidiosis, and future trends in the Kansas cattle feeding industry on tap for K-State Stocker Day.
Recall of the herbicide known as Dacthal, also known as Dimethyltetrachloroterephthalate, a pesticide registered to control weeds, continues.
University of Missouri Extension offers an opportunity to learn about native warm-season grass seed production at a workshop.
The Oklahoma State University Student Farm signed a memorandum of understanding this summer with Pete’s Pantry on the ...
The assessment on grain sold to or deposited at Iowa-licensed grain dealers and warehouses will continue for an additional ...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service recently green lit the cultivation and ...
No one enjoys seeing these photos more than criminals who could put your family’s safety and property at risk.
A unique chicken breed is helping researchers better understand vitiligo, a disease that affects 1 to 2% of the world’s ...
But Kansas State University family finance specialist Elizabeth Kiss says knowing the tangles that scammers often use will ...