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The proposal to ban the site is based on documents from the defense ministry, which were not made public, that claimed that ...
The French Chief Rabbi, Central Consistory, CRIF, FSJU, Bnai Brith France and other leading French Jewish groups have ...
The Roman-era ship has yielded a wealth of artifacts over the years, including bronze and marble statues, human remains, and ...
The new 77-mile pipeline, which will be constructed by Iranian companies, will allow Turkmenistan to ship an additional 10 ...
On July 3, in the square of the National Institutions complex in the center of Jerusalem, a special ceremony was held in ...
Syrian officials however have repeatedly said that any normalization in ties can only come after Turkey agrees to pull out ...
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Israel kills Hamas terrorist in UNRWA school • Hamas drops demand for ceasefire ahead of talks • Thousands rally for deal ...
Dima Sadek, a Lebanese journalist and TV host, claimed on her MTV Lebanon show last month that there is nothing left in ...
Antisemites pointed to the Jewish faith of Victoria Starmer, the prime minister's wife, as evidence of a Jewish conspiracy ...
At a time when we are faced with a war without end, coupled with the exceedingly painful loss of our brave, often far too ...