A prescription for their pocketbooks a lethal dose of agony Cutting the throats of the wretched Deranged and desensitized no remorse is seen in their eyes Walking the path of the dead Who are you to ...
jesus christ oh - jesus christ looks like me - jesus christ - yeah - jesus christ looks like me - jesus christ oh ...
no why - oh god i miss you - i really miss you no no no no No why - oh god i miss you no why - oh god i miss you - i really miss you ...
Primele trupe rock aparute in Romania au fost trupe studentesti, primele festivaluri ale acestui gen au fost la randul lor studentesti, si asta datorita faptului ca acea muzica era pentru cei de ...
All of my life I've tried so hard Doing my best with what I had Nothing much happened all the same Something about me stood apart A whisper of hope that seemed to fail Maybe I'm born right out of my ...
Muzica venetiana a secolului XVII, la fel ca cea frantuzeasca, a avut un impact major asupra culturii europene iar artistii de atunci au devenit nemuritori datorita compozitiilor lasate in urma drept ...
Good Thinking Batman Status Quo (C) (F) E|-----| B|-----| G|-----| D ...
Title: Venice Queen Artist: Red Hot Chili Peppers Album: By The Way Instrument: 6 String Guitar Tabbed by: Gary () Tuning: Standard (E A D G B E) E|---0----0-----0 ...
In perioada 25 iulie - 3 august va avea loc prima editie a festivalului Zece pentru Mare, Plaja Corbu. Zece zile de muzica, teatru si sporturi de apa fara motor, publicul amator de kayak, kite-surfing ...
URMA este un proiect imaginat in primavara anului 2003 in Cluj Napoca de catre Mani Gutau si Dan Byron carora li s-au alaturat mai tarziu Dominic Csergo si Sorin Erhan. Primul album, "Nomad Rhymes", a ...
Artist:The Beatles (Ringo Starr) Title:Back off Boogaloo Tabbed by:Ronny ?sterud F Bb F Back off, Boogaloo, I said, back off, Boogaloo, come on, back of Bogaloo, boo F Bb F Back off, Boogaloo, what ...