The animated charmer “The Wild Robot” begins streaming on Peacock on January 24. Writer-director Chris Sanders adapted Peter Brown’s middle grade novel about a smart robot (voiced by Lupita Nyong’o) who gets stranded in the wild,
A medical procedural that is mixed with tales of Sherlock Holmes in CBS' "Watson" and Zoë Kravitz's stylish directorial debut "Blink Twice" are some of this week's new streaming releases. "The Wild Ro
A medical procedural that is mixed with tales of Sherlock Holmes on CBS’ “Watson” and Zoë Kravitz’s stylish directorial debut “Blink Twice” are some of the new television, films, music and
Meanwhile, if you want to stream something without paying a rental fee, twisting-thriller “Blink Twice” hits Prime Video and comedy “Saturday Night” lands on Netflix. The latter is the perfect watch ahead of SNL’s big 50th birthday bash.
The animated charmer “The Wild Robot” begins streaming on Peacock on January 24. Writer-director Chris Sanders adapted Peter Brown’s middle grade novel about a smart robot (voiced by Lupita Nyong’o) who gets stranded in the wild,
A medical procedural that is mixed with tales of Sherlock Holmes on CBS' "Watson" and Zoë Kravitz's stylish directorial debut "Blink Twice" are some of the new television, films, music and games headed to a device near you.
Adapted from Peter Brown's children's book, The Wild Robot is about the adventures of Roz (Lupita Nyong'o), a shipwrecked robot ... What could go wrong? Zoë Kravitz made her directorial debut ...
A medical procedural mixed with tales of Sherlock Holmes on CBS' “Watson” and Zoë Kravitz’s stylish ... about a smart robot (voiced by Lupita Nyong’o) who gets stranded in the wild ...
Making her directorial debut, Zoe Kravitz puts together an inspired psychological thriller story for Blink Twice. The movie follows a group of people invited to spend their time partying on a tech ...
Dreyfus explores little white lies in a marriage in the movie “You Hurt My Feelings,” making its streaming debut this week on Netflix. The animated charmer, “The Wild Robot,” begins streaming on Peacock and “Watson,
A medical procedural that is mixed with tales of Sherlock Holmes on CBS' “Watson” and Zoë Kravitz’s stylish directorial debut “Blink Twice” are some of the new television, films, music and games headed to a device near you.