Youthbuild at Catholic Charities is currently recruiting for a new cohort and wants to encourage young folk in Rochester to ...
Some volunteer firefighters are expressing concerns about changes by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration that could potentially drive up fire departments budgets and hurt ...
Some volunteer firefighters are expressing concerns about changes by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration that could potentially drive up fire departments budgets and hurt ...
Each year in the U.S., about 11 EMS clinicians are killed and about 8,000 are severely injured [4,14]. The injury rate for ...
OSHA claims Clifford Lane knew the worksite was unsafe before a retaining wall collapsed, killing Lane's brother.
The workforce development program has graduated 57 students with a job placement rate of 66% since launching in January 2023.
Chicanos Por La Causa’s YouthBuild program recently celebrated the graduation of its latest cohort in Las Vegas.
Proposed OSHA penalties totaling a combined $632,000 have been issued for trench violations since November 13 in Florida, ...
Recently released statistics revealed that working in the construction industry was once again the most dangerous occupation in the country, as ...
Recently released numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that over 300 workers in the retail industry were killed on the job in the ...