The upcoming Netflix series “The Four Seasons” has added Julia Lester to its cast, Variety has learned exclusively. Lester ...
"M*A*S*H" is one of the most beloved sitcoms of all time, but it wouldn't have ever been the same without star Alan Alda.
A small horde of North Carolina TV and print journalists converged on the North Carolina Zoo early this morning to see Alan meet the chimpanzees there – and hear from him about our project.
When I first talked with Graham about covering this research in his program, it was clear that he and Alan had in mind a very different kind of television program from what I’d seen in the past.
Jim Clash writes about extreme adventure and classic rock. In the first two parts of this interview series with Alan Alda, we covered the actor’s fascination with Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman ...
Michael J. Fox and Alan Alda previously won three years in a row, but the 'Bear' star wasn't available to accept the prize ...
Alda said it was "only a matter of time" before news of his disease emerged US actor Alan Alda, star of M*A*S*H and The West Wing, has revealed he has Parkinson's disease. The 82-year-old told the ...
Let's have a look at the six records that have been broken a the Golden Globes Awards 2025, hosted by American stand-up ...