Bohr proposed adding to the model the new idea of quanta put forth ... His model was a huge leap forward in making theory fit the experimental evidence that other physicists had found over the ...
But there was good evidence he was right: the electrons in his model lined up with the regular patterns (spectral series) of light emitted by real hydrogen atoms. Bohr's theory that electrons ...
Standard quantum theory as developed by the likes of Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg in ... Two quantum field theories lie at the heart of the standard model of particle physics.
Bohr's 'solar system' model of the atom is the way that most ... Chadwick used a version of Rutherford's experiment, using a sheet of beryllium and a paraffin block instead of gold foil.
Niels Bohr adapted Ernest Rutherford's nuclear model. Bohr did calculations that ... The calculations agreed with observations from experiments.