The popular Malayalam music reality show, Star Singer, announces its 10th season featuring judges K.S. Chithra, Vidhu Prathap, and Sithara Krishnakumar. The season welcomes contestants aged 16 to ...
But just two years later, in 2018, the Swedish DJ and musician tragically died by suicide at the age of 28. Born in Stockholm as Tim Bergling, Avicii began releasing electronic dance music in 2008.
In his book, he did not recount the incident kindly and identified himself as a high-achieving nerdy Indian kid. "...a big Black kid thought it would be amusing to push a nerdy high-achieving ...
How did this boy band not become one of the biggest things in the history of music? I’m talking most recognizable bands of all time… it should have been The Beatles, The Rollings Stones, The ...
Ask a Kid for Help. By Rebecca Katzman Illustrations by Gabe Schneider Everyone knows that adults pay more attention to what’s going on in the world than kids, right? Maybe. But maybe not!
In the comments section beneath the post, people shared their thoughts. One person said: “How did I not know that the kid from Love Actually was married to Elon Musk’s ex???? Am I the only one ...
The Detroit native opened up about a possible collab with the G-unit honcho during a special Christmas Day episode of DJ Whoo Kid’s Whoo’s House Podcast, celebrating 20 years of Em’s Shade ...
Before you start bemoaning the future of the holidays, ask yourself how many times you sang "Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg" when you were a kid. (If you asked your parents ...