It's a bird; it's a plane!! It's a ... cloud?! No, it's a massive, once-military-grade hover-capable blimp designed to ...
Latvenergo and H2Pro have signed an MOU to explore the potential of deploying H2Pro's decoupled electrolysis technology in Latvia.
Fuel cell electric vehicles use electricity to power an electric motor, just like a normal EV. However, FCEVs use hydrogen fuel cells to produce some of the electricity needed to power the vehicle ...
The antimatter counterpart to the simplest atom, hydrogen, is a neutral antihydrogen atom, which consists of a positively charged positron orbiting a negatively charged antiproton. In 1995, physicists ...
While laptops may be great for portable computing, a desktop computer can flex some serious muscle for working on the most demanding applications or playing the latest graphics-intensive games.
For the project, will deliver its X150 fuel cell modules, which can deliver over 1 MW of power output. Zepp also specifies that the system “has already proven itself in heavy-duty ...
If you’re easily distracted by your phone then you may want to know how to use WhatsApp on desktop to prevent yourself from having to even pick up your cellphone. There are a range of other ...
TOYOTA Motor Corp. announced last week that it has developed its third-generation fuel cell system as part of its push toward a hydrogen society. Tuesday, March 11, 2025 Today's Paper Toyota unveils ...
Honda has revealed a new hydrogen fuel-cell stack and module Huge gains more than double durability, more than triple power density, cut cost in half Will initially go into Honda's own hydrogen ...
Various companies, big and small, are working on hydrogen technologies, from hydrogen fuel cells and cars that run on them to companies that produce hydrogen. If hydrogen gains traction as an ...
The hydrogen-driven unit is also smaller than the current module, with a rated output of 150 kW and improved durability ...