The reactor, called Lawson Machine 26 (LM26), is General Fusion’s latest iteration in a string of devices that have tested ...
The Earth possesses virtually inexhaustible reserves of the raw materials—deuterium and tritium—essential for a fusion ...
Canadian startup General Fusion has been working on its unique approach to producing clean energy through nuclear fusion for ...
But where the National Ignition Facility uses lasers to compress a fuel pellet, General Fusion’s MTF reactor design relies on steam-driven pistons. Inside the chamber, deuterium-tritium fuel is ...
Researchers at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory are exploring how deuterium, a potential fusion fuel, interacts with ...
A memorandum of understanding has been signed by representatives from politics, business and science aimed at establishing a laser-based nuclear fusion power plant at the former Biblis nuclear power ...
A cutting-edge project to test “fusion blanket” technologies is taking shape, with the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) ...
Chinese scientists sustain plasma at 100 million degrees C for 1,066 seconds in EAST, advancing nuclear fusion research.
In a commercial fusion system, the fuel will likely be made of deuterium and ... want to have a functioning reactor, you need to make sure that your accounting of tritium is accurate.
New research offers insights that could help reduce the amount of radioactive tritium embedded in the walls of fusion vessels to a minimum.