The film in question is Tarantino’s gritty western picture, The Hateful Eight. Guillermo del Toro once shared his ...
The Patlabor franchise is highly underrated, and the perfect way to take the franchise to the masses is Guillermo del Toro’s ...
Guillermo del Toro's deep love for storytelling and anime led him to introduce Battle Angel Alita to James Cameron.
Guillermo del Toro is a titan of the horror genre, but Blade 2 offered a truly unique take on vampires that the director ...
In his TCM Picks for March 2025, Guillermo del Toro names the 'most perfect action film ever made,' along with classics from Minnelli, Ford, Ashby.
A crime thriller that Guillermo del Toro raves about is now available to stream free of charge! We have the details.
The acclaimed film director continues to captivate everyone with his unexpected statements. The Mexican filmmaker has ...
When we look back on co-writer/director Guillermo del Toro’s Crimson Peak, the first thing most think of is how the picture went from being a box office dud to a cult favorite.For me though, I ...
Álvaro Uribe Vélez habló sobre el testimonio de Juan Guillermo Monsalbe - crédito Cristian Bayona/Colprensa. En el sexto día del juicio contra el expresidente de la República Álvaro Uribe ...
As it turns out, Guillermo del Toro also has an appreciation for the earlier days of comic book cinema. When thugs employed by a crime boss lead a vicious assault on Dr. Peyton Wilder (Liam Neeson ...
El 25 de febrero del 2025, Miguel Ángel del Río, abogado del exparamiliar Juan Guillermo Monsalve, denunció que su protegido fue atacado por un guardia del Instituto Nacional Penitenciario y ...
El abogado del senador Iván Cepeda, Reinaldo Villalba, denunció este martes que Juan Guillermo Monsalve, el principal testigo en el juicio que actualmente cursa contra el expresidente de la ...