Marion Jones/Instagram Olympic athlete Marion Jones is no longer running away from her past. The former track-and-field star — who won three gold medals and two bronze medals at the 2000 Sydney ...
No wonderful neighbors, except those of the fire crews, came to try to help. I was the only one with a garden hose trying to put any water on the fire. One neighbor took a pic from two doors down and ...
Before appearing on season 3 of Fox’s Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test, Marion Jones had waged plenty of battles in the court of public opinion. Jones, 49, won five medals — three gold ...
Armed with a garden hose, Felipe Carrillo made a dangerous and desperate attempt to save his home and that of a few neighbours in Altadena. After a few hours dousing his home and surrounding areas ...
Family friend Al Tanner told the station that Shaw was found on Wednesday, Jan. 8, on the street near his home, holding onto a water hose. “I fell to the ground, and I didn’t know – I didn ...
What is the best garden hose overall? While a garden hose may seem like a simple, one-type-fits-all sort of purchase, there's a big difference between a high-quality garden hose and one you'll ...
Before firefighters arrive, Gary McCall used a garden hose to try to extingish a fire in his garage Friday night, but his pickup, Corvette, and the garage were a total loss nonetheless. Firefighters ...
More recently, Scott Morrison’s 2019 “I don’t hold a hose, mate” comment during the Black Summer bushfires merely seemed a bit clumsy, and much less of a big deal than his having taken a ...