South Africa’s world-leading platinum group metals (PGM) endowment received a major boost when European Commission President ...
Hydrogen from geological formations makes up about 10% of the flammable gases that form the YanartaÅŸ flames near Cirali, ...
National oil and gas conglomerate PTT Plc is planning to strengthen investments in large-scale hydrogen energy development to serve industries, notably power generation, which increasingly require ...
Scientists have found that water, under extreme pressure and cold temperatures, can split into two different liquid phases.
It's a bird; it's a plane!! It's a ... cloud?! No, it's a massive, once-military-grade hover-capable blimp designed to ...
For the first time, researchers transformed light into a quantum crystalline structure to create a "supersolid" that's both solid and liquid at the same time. Here’s what that means, and why it's such ...
SLINGERLANDS, N.Y., March 13, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Southwire, a leading North American manufacturer of wire and cable, will tap Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQ: PLUG), a global leader in hydrogen ...
Japanese firm MOL aims to produce roughly 200 liters of hydrogen with its Winz Maru vessel in 2025. Japanese firm MOL could ...
Hydrogen is a promising clean energy source, but it comes with safety challenges. It is invisible, odorless, and highly ...
Water is an essential part of life on Earth, and possibly elsewhere – and now it we know it may have formed not long after the start of the universe ...
Fraunhofer researchers have developed sensor systems and measuring equipment that detect leaks in hydrogen lines and tanks.
Hydrogen seepages have been described in the mid-oceanic ridge in the Pacific and in sedimentary basins, in France, Russia, ...