China’s Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) has achieved a sustained temperature of 100 million degrees ...
Many biologically important molecules change shape when stimulated by UV radiation. Although this property can also be found ...
The Earth possesses virtually inexhaustible reserves of the raw materials—deuterium and tritium—essential for a fusion ...
China has set a new milestone in nuclear fusion research with its Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), ...
Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) are nuclear fission reactors in which either the fuel and/or the coolant is a molten salt. Molten salt is salt which liquifies at elevated temperatures and can store ...
"Only very simple nuclei survived the Big Bang - hydrogen, helium, lithium and trace amounts of barium and boron. “Oxygen, forged in the hearts of these supernovae, combined with hydrogen to ...
Scientists have confirmed a 19-year-old theory on solar flare formation by observing “slip-running” reconnections in the ...
The basic hydrogen atom is the simplest of all atoms ... Neutron stars are as densely packed with matter as are atomic nuclei, despite being ten or so kilometres across. First detected by radio ...
Once mastered, nuclear fusion technology has the potential to change how humanity lives by providing a limitless, sustainable ...
A team of scientists from the University of Portsmouth has made a discovery that could revolutionize our understanding of the origin of life in the universe. According to a study led by astrophysicist ...