Playing a reclusive singer who invites journalists to his cult-like compound, the actor nearly saves this muddled, satirical horror movie. Nearly.
Evan Rachel Wood released a statement following the decision by the L.A. DA's office to not level sexual abuse charges on Marilyn Manson.
Prosecutors said Friday that they will not file charges against Marilyn Manson after a years-long investigation of ... her to ...
After years of intense scrutiny and a lengthy investigation, shock rocker Marilyn Manson will reportedly not face criminal ...
Shock rocker Marilyn Manson will not face criminal charges in connection with multiple rape and domestic violence allegations ...
Evan Rachel Wood said she was "endlessly proud" of survivors after prosecutors declined to bring abuse charges against Marilyn Manson.
Marilyn Manson avoids charges as prosecutors cite insufficient evidence and expired statute of limitations after a years-long ...
Brian “Marilyn Manson” Warner will face no criminal charges on the myriad accusations of sexual assault and abuse that have ...
A decision has been made on whether to pursue charges or not against Marilyn Manson after a four-year investigation concludes ...