The Avatar franchise is set to expand its captivating universe with Avatar: Fire and Ash, releasing on December 19, 2025.
Avatar: Fire and Ash will introduce two new Na’vi tribes later this year, but the latest sneak peek will make them feel close already. In a new interview with Empire, director James Cameron gave some ...
Varang, the leader of the Ash Clan, is played by Oona Chaplin, arguably known best for her role as Talisa in Game of Thrones. "I didn't quite appreciate how good her performance is until we got the ...
Tons of fan-beloved characters fell throughout Game of Thrones‘ eight-season run on HBO from 2011 to 2019. Based on the ...
James Cameron's Avatar saga has only spanned two movies so far, but it feels like so much more. The franchise kicked off in 2009, and the first film quickly bec ...
Varang is played by Oona Chaplin (Talisa Stark from Game of Thrones), who Cameron says “is so good that I didn’t quite appreciate how good her performance is until we got the Wētā animation ...
It is known who Oona Chaplin will play. “We have several really smart action scenes. This movie can really get your blood pumping. But what excites me as an artist, who has recently turned 70 years ...