Viktor Orbán, once Hungarian democracy’s greatest champion, is now its greatest enemy, while Republicans in America cheer on ...
Szánthó Miklós, az Alapjogokért Központ fÅ‘igazgatója elmondta: Donald Trump amerikai elnök nagyra tartja a Orbán Viktort.
Magyar Péter, a Tisza Párt elnöke a Facebookján reagált a rádióbeszélgetésben elhangzottakra.
The Hungarian Prime Minister said during a speech in Budapest that the EU's leaders are driving it into isolation. He also ...
From Nigel Farage to Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, EU politicians are competing for the privilege of being Europe’s ...
PM Orban emphasized that the inauguration of the new U.S. President and the strengthening of the Patriots' faction in ...
Viktor Orbán has ramped up his criticism against EU sanctions on Russia.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that Europe has become isolated from all the important players in the new world order, including the new US leadership, Russia, China and Africa.
Monday morning Prime Minister Viktor Orban spoke at an event hosted by the 21st Century Institute where, in addition, several other members of the government also evaluated the results of Hungary's ...
„Új elnök Amerikában, nagy patrióta frakció Brüsszelben, nagy lelkesedés, kipróbált és hazájukat szeretÅ‘ hazafiak, indulhat ...
Russia concentrates on Donetsk hoping for a decisive breakthrough, as Ukraine claims Moscow has lost almost 835,000 men.
The prime minister referred to "a progressive liberal front stuffed with George Soros's money ... attacking us because we are sovereigntist and patriotic, too." ...