It is easy to show that two elements of different atomic weight must differ either in their chemical or in their physical properties. If elements are inseparable chemically their affinity A must ...
The discovery that inert helium can form bonds with iron may reshape our understanding of Earth’s history. Researchers from ...
For decades, noble gases like helium have been considered chemically inert, refusing to form stable bonds under normal conditions. But new research challenges this assumption, revealing that helium ...
Many engines that currently burn hydrocarbons could even run on hydrogen without major changes. This sounds really good, but we also have to look at some chemical and physical properties of hydrogen ...
Hydrogen from geological formations makes up about 10% of the flammable gases that form the YanartaÅŸ flames near Cirali, ...
In order to meet our goals for carbon neutralization by the 2050s, we need environmentally friendly fuels. Catalysts (and ...
Two experiment collaborations, the g2p and EG4 collaborations, combined their complementary data on the proton's inner ...
Aluminum (Al) has been considered as a material susceptible to corrosion, but it will become key to core technology in producing clean hydrogen energy. Recently, a POSTECH research team succeeded in ...
Researchers have developed cost-effective and efficient water-splitting catalysts to be used in the eco-friendly production of hydrogen. Catalyst performance surprisingly increases over time.
Two experiment collaborations, the g2p and EG4 collaborations, combined their complementary data on the proton’s inner ...