It's a bird; it's a plane!! It's a ... cloud?! No, it's a massive, once-military-grade hover-capable blimp designed to ...
Over 50,000 submissions are made for images on U.S. stamps every year, and out of those, about 40 are turned into real stamps ...
Scientists have identified a promising new way to detect life on faraway planets, hinging on worlds that look nothing like ...
The line became known as the main sequence. Competing groups of astronomers came up with different ways to categorize main ...
H2 might also have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy effects, says Dr. Kelley. The molecule can potentially help alleviate ...
Kanazawa University, observe the configuration of different dipeptides on graphite electrodes and the subsequent arrangement of catalytic hemin on them to get an idea of the factors affecting its ...
The planet WASP-121b is extreme. It's a gas giant almost twice as big as Jupiter orbiting extremely close to its star–50 ...
After 96 years of Oscar best pictures, the Academy's bound to get one wrong now and then. Sometimes, it's a little more chaotic. Remember Envelopegate? At the 2017 Academy Awards, the musical ...
With the 97th Academy Awards ceremony approaching this Sunday, members of The Crimson’s Arts Board make the case for which of the 10 nominated films will win the prestigious Best Picture title.
Lunar Trailblazer will provide a global picture of water on the moon ... a molecular group consisting of one hydrogen atom and one oxygen atom, as opposed to the two hydrogen atoms and one ...
However, FCEVs use hydrogen fuel cells to produce some of the electricity needed to power the vehicle, instead of just relying on a battery. Their efficacy is still being debated. Elon Musk ...