The attempt on Donald Trump’s life is obviously a horrendous development. It seems unique because he’s a presidential ...
His stubborn refusal to heed wise advice, and bottomless belief in his own greatness, were on display in his first campaign ...
In a speech on the House floor Thursday, Representative Glenn Grothman railed against government programs such as subsidized ...
In a speech on the House floor Thursday, Representative Glenn Grothman railed against government programs such as subsidized ...
The Kentucky senator has been a steadfast supporter of Ukraine and its president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, consistently pushing ...
“The language they used in the ’20s and ’30s are similar to what you hear today—‘America First,’” he said. He also criticized ...
Major Democratic donors have reportedly pledged to withhold millions in donations to the largest pro-Biden super PAC unless ...
The comments were made during an April 2022 keynote speech by Trump at a Heritage Foundation event where he was introduced by ...
One possible reason the polls haven’t moved as much as pundits expected: Voters still don’t like or trust Trump. Can the ...
Ocasio-Cortez’s articles of impeachment against the rogue justices probably won’t remove them. But history suggests it might ...
Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is facing renewed blowback for allegedly sexually assaulting a ...
Joe Biden is getting a growing number of calls from within his own party to let someone else face off against Donald Trump.