In 2024, you loved stories about music and religion, the color green and careful considerations of grief and hope, little ...
In birding circles, they say the first bird you see in a new year sets the tone for what follows. Anything can be meaningful if you see it as a sign. On the first day of 2020, as I drove to an early ...
THE HOTEL WHERE I was staying, Villa Amazônia, was constructed in 1907, around the time the movie takes place. It had been a private residence, and many elements of the original building remain. It ...
IN MY BACKYARD, I have a makeshift pond: a galvanized steel tub, about two feet in diameter, outfitted with an electric ...
“From where I sit on this flat rock floor, I see no way out,” writes Renata Golden in Mountain Time: A Field Guide to Astonishment, her new book of essays. “The path wormholes in such crimped arcs ...
So much of today’s climate storytelling recounts the awe-inducing extraordinary: rampant wildfires, uncategorizable hurricanes, disastrously high tides, and deadly heat waves. But overshadowed in ...
OUTSIDE, IT’S BEGUN to rain. But inside Dramaten’s small-stage theater, the scene is electric. The low-ceilinged lobby is crammed with the wool-clad shoulders of theater professionals, young climate ...
“Deer walk the path of our childhood,” the Kentucky-born artist Rachael Banks writes in an artist’s book she designed. It shares a name with her recent show in Cincinnati’s Weston Art Gallery—“The ...
A rain deity capable of making the sun and moon disappear, or even the entire Universe, if desired. Caster of spells (of silence or dust devils), a precious pearl of wisdom tucked under a ...
North By Northwest Passage, gouache on paper, 22 x 22 in. Based on Alfred Hitchcock’s North By Northwest (1959). LET ME PAINT THE SCENE: a house set a mile back in the woods, off-grid, with a steep ...