AUD did the reverse with a nasty candle top: North Asia up: Oil and gold down: Metals too: And miners: EM puke: Junk knows ...
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released the labour force survey for August, which recorded strong job growth of 47,500 but an unchanged unemployment rate of 4.2%: However, the ...
SQM Research has released its rental vacancy report for August, which recorded a 1.3% vacancy rate nationally, the same rate ...
The notion that these “real issues” have emerged in the last four years is silly. They’ve been coming for well over a decade while Dalio upsold the place. Is it time to buy as Dalio capitulates? With ...
SEEK released its Employment Report for August, which revealed that the number of job ads rose 0.3% over the month, the second consecutive monthly rise. However, the number of applicants per job ad ...
As we know, the Victorian government’s negligence has left residents facing debt enslavement. A decade of excessive bureaucratic spending, tens of billions of dollars in infrastructure cost overruns, ...
The bank bubble is now so large that it has become a standing joke among brokers: Relative to international peers is hilarious: CBA is now part of the Mag 8, valued between Google and Microsoft. The o ...
The Market Ear with the latest for equity positioning. The 10 year Bouncing off trend channel lows… Refinitiv Easy tiger DXY putting in a massive hammer candle right on range lows. These are big ...
Architect Philip Thalis posted the below Tweet showing the appalling downgrading of new housing developments from their planning application and artists impression: Thalis shows a development in ...
Overnight the Fed surprised some with a bigger than expected 50bps cut and indicated another one is potentially on the way before the end of the year. Wall Street fell back slightly while currency ...
However, this admirable fellow is tilting at windmills. There is no way that the greedy and corrupt Aussie political economy can reform so comprehensively. What hope is there with those who are 100% t ...
Statistics New Zealand has released the Q2 national accounts, which revealed that New Zealand’s real GDP declined by 0.2% over the quarter, with per capita GDP declining by 0.5%. This represented the ...