'Kia hiwa rä ra ' literally means 'to be alert.' This book is intended to alert teachers to models of good teaching in diverse classrooms and to encourage them to be alert to the various cultures that ...
This book is the result of a collaboration between academics at the University of Auckland Waipapa Taumata Rau and teachers in schools. It is an excellent resource for teachers wanting to teach about ...
This article explores the way in which an early childhood community was able to support the active participation of a disabled child. The Huakina Mai model provides a framework that conceptualises the ...
Early childhood education Centres of Innovation (COI) were established in 2002 as part of the 10-year plan for early childhood education, Pathways to the Future/Ngä Huarahi Arataki. In COI projects, ...
School goal setting is often described as a key leadership practice for school improvement. Important for the effectiveness of goal setting is the close monitoring of progress. This article examines ...
Reports on the perceptions of physical education teacher education students regarding the pedagogies they have recently experienced in senior secondary school biomechanics classes.
The focus on teacher inquiry to enhance student learning is a key feature of The New Zealand Curriculum and in New Zealand’s approach to teacher professional learning. This article examines how a ...
Given that children's achievement appears to be enhanced in schools (particularly low-decile schools) with ICT-rich environments, research into what might help staff at a low-decile school integrate ...
In-class modelling of teaching practices in mathematics enables the facilitator to take an active role when working with teachers. By situating aspects of this professional development in classrooms, ...
Teaching Reading Comprehension presents strategies that teachers can understand and teach. The strategies are simple, flexible and fun. This book incorporates the CORE research-based model of ...
In simple and easy to follow steps, Making Classroom Assessment Work shows how teachers can use assessment to boost learning. When students know what needs to be achieved, are responsible for ...
Coaching Leadership is about building leadership capacity in individuals, and in institutions, through enhancing professional relationships. It is based on the importance of maximising potential, and ...