Según dos estudios internacionales presentados en esta gran conferencia, que reunió a más de 30.000 médicos especialistas e ...
Um turista alemã morreu após ser atacada por um tubarão a cerca de 500 quilômetros do arquipélago espanhol das Canárias, ...
Hannde e Talaata, ñannde 17, 9ɓuru, en kaalan fii AES Dental leyɗe Sahel. Timmii hanki e altine hitaande gila Mali, Burkina Faso e Niijeer hawti tafi ndee fedde. Faandaare ngal kawtal AES ko haɓude ...
(法新社布鲁塞尔17日电) 布鲁塞尔当局表示,1架小型约旦军机今天在国内坠毁,机上2人伤势严重已送医治疗。这架军机原订周末参加在比利时举办的国际航空展。
(法新社布魯塞爾17日電) 布魯塞爾當局表示,1架小型約旦軍機今天在國內墜毀,機上2人傷勢嚴重已送醫治療。這架軍機原訂周末參加在比利時舉辦的國際航空展。
Após semanas de batalhas políticas, a presidente da Comissão Europeia, Ursula von der Leyen, apresentou nesta terça-feira (17) o novo grupo de comissários do bloco. Apesar das promessas, a nova comiss ...
Marseille (AFP) – Marseille announced on Tuesday the signing of French international midfielder Adrien Rabiot, with whom they ...
An election official in Arizona is to ask a court Tuesday to rule on whether almost 100,000 long-term residents will be able ...
Aston Villa made a stylish return to the Champions League with a 3-0 win at Swiss side Young Boys on Tuesday in their first ...
Glasgow (AFP) – Brendan Rodgers believes he has never been better prepared to lead Celtic into a Champions League campaign as ...
Israel has scored a major intelligence success by apparently infiltrating a supply chain to cause the simultaneous explosion ...
Koddiwaar : jayniɗe ɗen no e ɓittaare tiiɗunde, cuuɗi jaynirɗe ɗuuɗuɗi alaa waawude yoɓude ko waɗɗii ɗi kon fow. Sabu famɗugol geyngu jaayndeeji buy. Yiilirde mawnde genndiyankoore fii jayndeeji ɗin ...