SearXNG is an open-source metasearch engine that functions as a true Swiss Army knife for online searches. Imagine this: it ...
Have you heard of Loki? No, I’m not referring to the mischievous god from Norse mythology, but rather a tool that might ...
Wouldn't it be great if you could open a web browser in the blink of an eye, without having to install anything on your ...
Quill is a mind-blowing JavaScript library for creating rich text editors (WYSIWYG). And when I say rich, I don’t just mean ...
I want to talk to you about a game development studio that is doing truly impressive things: Phoboslab. This independent studio, founded ...
Geeky friends and retro video game enthusiasts, today I’m going to tell you about a little gem that should thrill fans of ...
Well, I’ve just discovered SampleWizard, an amazing Chrome extension that will revolutionize the way you record and download ...
I know, "user-friendly" sounds like a weird word to describe a debugging tool, but this one will make you love it if you code ...