Steven Soderbergh is a celebrated filmmaker, recognized for movies including Erin Brokovich, Traffic, and his debut Sex, Lies, and Videotape. Never afraid to push boundaries, the director is now bringing his unique perspective to the 2025 movie calendar with his upcoming horror movie Presence.
Soderbergh talks to IndieWire about "Jaws," his 15-year project to write a book about directing, and working to get his entire film catalog in 4K HDR.
The entire film is shot entirely from the ghost's point of view, the audience haunting a family that has recently moved into a New Jersey home, not realizing that something was already living there. Critic Sean Burns says it's a great gimmick,
The camera is the ghost in Steven Soderbergh’s chillingly effective, experiential haunted house drama “Presence.”
“Presence” is a beautifully executed vision of a rather mediocre script. What makes it interesting is the POV “gimmick,” which Soderbergh demonstrates as a legitimate mode of cinematic storytelling. His camera movements take on such a human quality that we become emotionally connected to it as another character in the story.
There’s only so much that a person can hold before everything collapses.” With Presence now in theaters, Vogue spoke to Liu and Liang about preparing for their unconventional film—and their own relationships to the paranormal.
The intimate supernatural drama stars Lucy Liu and Chris Sullivan as homeowners with an unexpected houseguest. With Presence, Steven Soderbergh Resurrects the Ghost Story: Review
Steven Soderbergh's "Presence" is an unconventional haunted house story told from the perspective of the ghost -- and we've got the details.
Doing his own camerawork, the director gleefully enriches the haunted-house genre with a simple but ingenious device.
Steven Soderbergh releases 2024 watch list, which includes viewings of multiple 'Star Wars' films, new releases, old classics, and more.
Blending eerie visuals with emotional depth, Steven Soderbergh’s Presence is a bold supernatural drama told from a ghost’s perspective. Our