This is the third installment in a series of stories exploring memory disorders in the Chippewa Valley. In today’s installment, two women share their experiences of loss due to dementia and how music ...
The Brain Tour, inside dementia is an app designed for iOS and Android phones, that uses augmented reality to transport users inside the brain. Whether you're curious to explore a healthy brain or ...
One Bismarck woman is determined to raise awareness and money to help the Alzheimer’s Association by writing her mother’s ...
There are two kinds of risk factors for dementia: non-modifiable and modifiable. Non-modifiable risk factors are ones that cannot be changed or eliminated, like aging, family history and genetics.
Frigid temperatures and unprecedented snowfall in various parts of the U.S. can pave the way for heightened dangers this ...
A new study clams dementia cases will double by 2060. Here’s what experts believe could be driving the rise in dementia rates ...
Winter weather conditions -- the colder temperatures, snow, ice and early darkness that have arrived in Northeast Ohio -- can be dangerous and even life-threatening for the 236,000 people living with ...
The risk of developing dementia may be double what was previously thought. But there are things the U.S. can do to help fight ...
Brain damage caused by dementia can lead to anxiety, fear, and irritability, especially in the evening. This is how ...
Indie PR agency Poem has won the Australian PR account for cult chicken shop El Jannah, taking the helm of its publicity retainer and spearheading earned creative campaigns for 2025. The agency ...
Gradual brain degeneration resulting from certain forms of dementia, like Alzheimer’s disease, can cause PPA to develop. In Alzheimer's disease, PPA often begins gradually with word-finding problems, ...
In addition to the most cutting-edge and expert-backed smarter living advice in the categories of wellness, health, ...