Tamil Nadu BJP president Annamalai announced a series of protests against DMK-led government in Tamil Nadu. As part of the ...
Annamalai said he was going to whip himself six times in front of his house on Friday as a sign of protest against the way police handled the Anna University sexual harassment case. BJP leader K ...
an engineering student at Anna University. He accused the authorities of intentionally leaking the details and failing to ensure the safety and anonymity of the survivor. The BJP president further ...
in front of his house as the BJP members stood around him displaying placards condemning the police for the alleged leak of FIR pertaining to the woman's complaint. An Anna University girl student ...
"Tamil Nadu BJP President Annamalai has demonstrated his deep faith and devotion by staging a symbolic protest against the heinous incident of rape of a student at Anna University, Tamil Nadu." ...
As the row over the sexual assault case in Anna University continues, BJP Tamil Nadu's president K Annamalai carried out his declaration of flogging himself until justice for the 19-year-old ...