The Fresh Toast - Gen Z has it more than most generations, but a fun habit can help calm anxiety and make for a better day.
Depression, defined by (World Health Organization, n.d.-b) states, “Depressive disorder, or depression, is a common mental health condition that can happen to anyone. It is characterized by a low mood ...
Anxiety was the most common mental health problem experienced by young people in Singapore. Read more at
An RNA-based therapy, COG-201, can enhance memory and reduce anxiety in animal models by targeting the serotonin 5-HT2A ...
Young people who spend more than three hours a day on social media are more likely to report symptoms of depression, anxiety ...
"It’s Okay to Poo at Work" is a new health campaign that highlights a common source of anxiety, while offering practical ...
Anxiety is a common mental health concern that affects millions of people worldwide. Whether it's triggered by work-related stress, personal life challenges.
While depression and anxiety appear to overlap with chronic pain at a high level, she noted that the majority of kids with ...
Scientists at Cognigenics have made a significant advance in the field of neuroscience and mental health treatment.
The following is a summary of “Interdisciplinary CBT treatment for patients with odontophobia and dental anxiety related to ...
In a revealing Genomic Press Interview, Dr. Katarina Leão, Associate Professor at Brazil's Federal University of Rio Grande ...
Patients with low-risk cancers undergoing active surveillance face a favorable long-term prognosis. David Haggstrom, M.D., MAS, makes the case that it's time for the medical field to help manage the ...