The development could be a huge step forward. Scientist's game-changing discovery could revolutionize common grocery item — ...
Life may not have begun with a dramatic lightning strike into the ocean but from many smaller "microlightning" exchanges ...
But real lightning would have struck infrequently—and mostly in open ocean, where organic compounds would have quickly ...
Forget the dramatic lightning strike – life may have started with countless tiny sparks from crashing water droplets! Scientists found that when mist and sprays collide, they generate microlightning ...
In their view, inorganic molecules might have reacted due to energy from the Sun or lightning strikes to form life’s building ...
Hydrogen from geological formations makes up about 10% of the flammable gases that form the YanartaÅŸ flames near Cirali, ...
Tiny ‘microlightning’ flashes inside water droplets may have sparked life on Earth - Study says tiny electric discharges ...
The study builds on previous research investigating different biosignature gases, including dimethyl sulfide, another ...
Scientists discovered that methyl halides, a gas produced by microbes, could be a biosignature for life on distant planets.
Earth’s core could contain helium from the early solar system. The noble gas tucks into gaps in iron crystals under high pressure and temperature.
The $16 million project is scheduled to start later this year, pending approval from the Colorado Department of Public Health ...
Learn about the types of fertilizers available on the market today, so you can shop your garden center for the right solution ...