Only a handful of indie games and a new Mario Kart game have been officially confirmed for the Switch 2 so far.
Diablo 4, just like many other big games already popular on existing consoles, is said to be in development for the Switch 2.
A new claim states that Blizzard's Diablo 4 may currently be in development for Nintendo's upcoming Switch 2 hardware.
Nintendo (NTDOY) remains silent about what games will launch alongside the Switch 2, but plenty of rumors highlight titles ...
Following the Nintendo Switch 2 reveal, 28 different Nintendo Switch 2 games are rumored to be releasing this year and beyond ...
Diablo 4 and Path of Exile 2 are drawing comparisons to one another, and the former may beat the latter by launching on ...
There's still no release date for Nintendo's Switch 2 console and the launch lineup is a mystery, but one thing has been ...