Even Ryan Gosling’s charm couldn’t save it from a box office fail, and Guillermo del Toro thinks the real villain was the ...
Netflix steps up for Guillermo del Toro's Academy aspirations with Frankenstein, giving it a theatrical release.
In addition to Rosalia, Marshawn Lynch, and Kadeem Hardison, the new Season 3 cast will also include Darrell Britt-Gibson ( ...
While Guillermo del Toro is one of the most critically acclaimed filmmakers in history, some of his works don't get enough love.
After finally playing South of Midnight for ourselves, we found that the We Happy Few developer’s first game since being acquired by Xbox is anything but generic.
79 años ha cumplido la Monumental Plaza de Toros México. Para festejarlo, la empresa programó una feria con nueve festejos; ...
Guillermo del Toro speaks out in support of Oscar nominated and DGA winning documentary 'Porcelain War' , warns of dark times ...
Despite huge developments in CGI, audiences still appreciate how stop-motion brings inanimate objects to life.
Es una de las actrices más prolíficas y reconocidas de nuestro cine y este sábado 8 de febrero presenta junto a Leonor ...
En entrevista, el cineasta Sergio Arau dice que el guion de su nueva película, en plena reescritura, denunciará la realidad ...
Puede que Guillermo del Toro esté tan obsesionado como el mismísimo Dr. Frankenstein. Durante el evento de preview Next on ...