It's a bird; it's a plane!! It's a ... cloud?! No, it's a massive, once-military-grade hover-capable blimp designed to ...
The founder of a sustainable car company in Powys has delivered a stark warning about the motoring industry’s efforts to help meet net zero targets.
Conservative conference featured global right-wing speakers from Liz Truss to JD Vance calling for an end to climate ...
FCA drops plans to routinely ‘name and shame’ firms under investigation The UK’s financial watchdog has confirmed controversial plans have been ditched to ...
Explore Transport has ordered a 6x2 Scania hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) prototype tractor unit. The order is part of the HyHAUL consortium under the zero emission HGV infrastructure ...
A new niche EV brand, Longbow, has emerged into the public eye, hailing itself as ” the first-ever British electric ...
Hear from Suzanne Lowe, vice president and general manager at Air Products on how the company drives sustainability through clean energy and innovative solutions.
Toyota has announced that it plans to build battery-electric vehicles in the UK in the future, as part of a multi-pathway approach to future models that ...
Second-hand electric cars may be close to a "tipping point" where they become more popular than equivalent petrol and diesel ...
Toyota and its premium sibling, Lexus, are making a real push towards electrification, and these are the cars you can expect ...
B2B director Tom Ray outlines his strategy to ‘rekindle’ corporate relationships across the group’s 10 car and van brands.
But what’s really behind this rush for gold? And is there still room for growth, or have we reached the peak? , Senior ...