For the first time, scientists have observed water molecules splitting in real time to form hydrogen and oxygen. And right ...
Scientists have developed a solar-powered method to turn sewage sludge into green hydrogen and animal feed, tackling both ...
In order to meet our goals for carbon neutralization by the 2050s, we need environmentally friendly fuels. Catalysts (and ...
For the first time, Northwestern University scientists have watched water molecules in real-time as they prepared to give up ...
To be able to make the switch to environmentally friendly hydrogen fuels, there needs to be a catalyst…or a precatalyst, to ...
Observing Water Molecules Splitting in Real Time For the first time, scientists have directly observed water molecules as ...
For years, scientists were baffled by a peculiar problem: why do platinum electrodes, usually stable, corrode so quickly in ...
Hydrogen energy is widely recognized as a sustainable source for the future, but its large-scale production still relies on ...
In order to meet our goals for carbon neutralization by the 2050s, we need environmentally friendly fuels. Catalysts (and ...
The acronyms are becoming more intense, with PTE, which stands for porous transport electrodes, the latest one, amid the ...
Hydrogen energy promises a clean and sustainable future, but its production often depends on expensive platinum-based ...
Researchers have developed a novel hydrogen evolution catalyst, bis(diimino)palladium coordination nanosheets (PdDI), that ...