EPC General Contracting Project: Covers alkaline electrolyzer hydrogen production equipment and power supply system equipment, reciprocating compressors, hydrogen diaphragm compressors and hydrogen ...
It's a bird; it's a plane!! It's a ... cloud?! No, it's a massive, once-military-grade hover-capable blimp designed to ...
A new report documented efforts to smuggle hydrogen fuel cell components into Yemen that will provide Houthi fighters a ...
Hydrogen fuel cells offer an eco-friendly alternative to fossil fuels by generating electricity with only water as a ...
A clean energy transition is happening all over the world as the worsening climate crisis creates an urgent need to decarbonize energy systems.  Unlike fossil fuels like coal and oil, clean energy ...
Elcogen AS (Talinn, Estonia) announced the official launch of the Horizon Europe SYRIUS project following a successful kick-off meeting hosted by ...
Researchers from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz have developed water-splitting catalysts that are both cost-effective ...
Producing clean hydrogen energy usually involves the oxygen evolution reaction (OER), which has the unfortunate drawback of ...
Researchers have developed a simple, sustainable and economic way to make the common household and industrial chemical, ...
A Strategic Partnership for Clean Energy Progress FuelCell Energy, Inc. (Nasdaq: FCEL) and Malaysia Marine and Heavy ...
The urgent need for sustainable energy solutions has intensified research into high-performance fuel cells and electrolysis cells. These technologies play a ...