Misha lived her whole life in zoos, but this elephant’s teeth are now helping scientists reconstruct wildlife migrations.
A breakthrough in heavy-element chemistry shatters long-held assumptions about transuranium elements. Researchers have ...
Battery based on carbon is designed to last 50 years and could be used to power pacemakers, spacecraft and devices in extreme ...
An international study published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres has provided new insights into global ...
Teeth recovered from a beloved zoo elephant that died in 2008 are helping University of Utah geologists develop a method for ...
In the case of lead-208—the heaviest stable isotope known so far—a team of researchers led by physicist Jack Henderson ...
Teeth recovered from a beloved zoo elephant that died in 2008 are helping University of Utah geologists develop a method for tracking the movements of ...
Dr Sarah Benson PSM has been appointed by The Federal Government as the next Chief Executive Officer of Sport Integrity ...
Iron Age Iberians nailed skulls to walls in public. But were the remains those of revered friends—or reviled foes?
Fayafi Investment Holding, the first UAE firm made available through a bankable certificate issued under the SIX Swiss ...
Research led by Jilin University, China, is providing bioarchaeological evidence on a mass grave at the Bayanbulag site in ...