Natasha Romanoff, also known by her superhero name Black Widow, was one of the Avengers who passed away tragically. In Endgame, she and her fellow Avenger, Hawkeye (Clint Barton) travel to the past ...
Ant-Man star Judy Greer has opened up about her absence in the 2023 sequel Quantumania and what she would like to see happen ...
Paul Rudd was born in 1969, making him 54 years old in 2023, which is when Avengers: Endgame takes place. That isn't quite the actual age of Ant-Man, though, for one specific reason. Ant-Man is ...
The Russo brothers (Avengers: Endgame) direct this sci-fi adventure set in ... On the drive to a retreat at a nature reserve, a father (Paul Rudd) and daughter (Jenna Ortega) unintentionally hit and ...
"Paul Rudd stars in a formulaic but consistently ... which concluded one year later in "Avengers: Endgame." "Infinity War" follows Thanos, an alien who is dedicated to erasing half of the ...
"On your left." Those three words are part of the DNA of every Marvel fan and moviegoer who witnessed Avengers: Endgame's iconic portals scene. But it was almost very different. Now, though ...
Avengers: Endgame directors Joe and Anthony Russo didn't want to helm a follow-up unless it told a story worth waiting for. As revealed in a new interview, it sounds like it is. "Endgame was the ...